Computer Sciences & Technology

Technology is a constantly changing field. Our professionals have devoted their time and energy to developing programs for the betterment of the earth and its inhabitants. Explore and learn from their pursuits in the following areas:

    • Novel, Long-form prose

    • Short Story, Flash fiction

    • Experimental, Avant garde

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    • Personal Essay

    • Memoir

    • Literary Journalism

    • Travel Writing

    • Cultural Criticism

    • Experimental, Hybrid

    • Studies in Craft

    • Hybrid Theory, Culture, Society-based

    • Modernism, Post-Modernism

    • Harlem Renaissance, Black Arts Movement and Beyond

    • Eastern Hemisphere

    • Romanticism, Transcendentalism

    • Medieval, Renaissance, Enlightenment

    • Greek, Roman

    • How to Query

    • Editorial and Author Support

    • Production

    • Marketing and Publicity

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    • Traditional forms

    • Free verse

    • Experimental, Hybrid

    • Performance

How do you want to study?

Choose from our diverse learning modules:

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.

— Stephen Hawking

  • Tech Residencies / Boot Camps

    Live and work outside of your traditional environment. Residencies provide time and space to focus on your writing, guided by an experienced mentor and surrounded by a diverse group of equally motivated individuals.

  • Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Greece

    Tech Retreats

    With a focus on mindful, restorative practices our retreats are as much about rest as they are about creation. Retreats are often a hybrid, incorporating other forms of artistic expression or alternative healing.

  • Tech Seminars

    These seminars explore the theory and practice of literature and publishing through a comprehensive and holistic lens. Emphasis is put on cross-cultural and social impacts, as well as achieving success in various fields of study.

  • Online Courses, Virtual Learning

    Unable to join us in person? Our online platform is comprised of various workshops, seminars, and mentorship opportunities for all ages and every experience level.

  • Undergraduate Study Abroad Programs

    Our fully accredited study abroad programs invite college-level students to develop their craft while immersing themselves in a different place and culture. Come for a semester, or stay of the year!

  • Internships

    Give and receive constructive feedback in a group of fellow writers, facilitated by professional writers and educators. Ideal for writers who have work ready to share and motivated to finish.