Writing Literature & Publishing

Our talented community of writers are not only actively working in their fields and perfecting their own craft, they are also cultivating learning opportunities in the following areas:

    • Novel, Long-form prose

    • Short Story, Flash fiction

    • Experimental, Avant garde

    • Traditional forms

    • Free verse

    • Experimental, Hybrid

    • Performance

    • Personal Essay

    • Memoir

    • Literary Journalism

    • Travel Writing

    • Cultural Criticism

    • Experimental, Hybrid

    • Investigative and Immersive Journalism

    • Personal Essay and Auto-Theory

    • Studies in Craft

    • Hybrid Theory, Culture, Society-based

    • Modernism, Post-Modernism

    • Harlem Renaissance, Black Arts Movement and Beyond

    • Eastern Hemisphere

    • Romanticism, Transcendentalism

    • Medieval, Renaissance, Enlightenment

    • Greek, Roman

    • How to Query

    • Editorial and Author Support

    • Production

    • Marketing and Publicity

How do you want to study?

Choose from our diverse learning modules:

If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.

— Toni Morrison

  • Residencies

    Live and work outside of your traditional environment. Residencies provide time and space to focus on your writing, guided by an experienced mentor and surrounded by a diverse group of equally motivated individuals.

  • Workshops

    Give and receive constructive feedback in a group of fellow writers, facilitated by professional writers and educators. Ideal for writers who have work ready to share and motivated to finish.

  • Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Greece


    With a focus on mindful, restorative practices our retreats are as much about rest as they are about creation. Retreats are often a hybrid, incorporating other forms of artistic expression or alternative healing.

  • Seminars and Readings

    These seminars explore the theory and practice of literature and publishing through a comprehensive and holistic lens. Emphasis is put on cross-cultural and social impacts, as well as achieving success in various fields of study.

  • Online Courses, Virtual Learning

    Unable to join us in person? Our online platform is comprised of various workshops, seminars, and mentorship opportunities for all ages and every experience level.

  • Undergraduate Study Abroad Programs

    Our fully accredited study abroad programs invite college-level students to develop their craft while immersing themselves in a different place and culture. Come for a semester, or stay for the year!